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REACH Statement


The European Union (EU) has adopted regulation no.1907/2006, also known as the REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals) regulation, which became effective on 1st June 2007.

Warwick Test Supplies Ltd has contacted all of our suppliers and to the best of our knowledge and belief none of the articles that we sell intentionally contain any of the Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC’s) currently on the candidate list in concentrations of >0.1% by weight.

The list of substances with the latest amendments of 10 Jun 2022 can be found at:

Registration is required for companies that either produce or import into the EU any substance in volumes that exceed one tonne per substance. Warwick Test Supplies Ltd does not exceed this import amount and are therefore not required to register.

If you have any specific concerns regarding the composition of a particular part / parts, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will forward your concerns on to the relevant manufacturer(s) for their response.